
inspire me: teaspiration.

tea inspiration has been floating all around my tumblr today...

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” (by ImagesByClaire)
it makes me want to get together with some lovely and inspiring people to share some tea...why a tea party of course!
i can wear a fancy dress...
and seal my curled locks with a bow..
we can enjoy some dainty little treats..
and breath in the aroma of fresh flowers..
while we share thoughts of wisdom..

and capture the moments..

i do not own any of these pictures, they can all be found on my tumblr.
have a wonderful weekend loverly's! take a break and enjoy some tea..my favorite is jasmine green tea :)


  1. Lovely post koko, very inspiring. Love the tea party photos



  2. I just want to host a tea party now and get dressed up in beautiful pastel shades! What a great post. I have the beige Polaroid camera found in a charity shop! Just need to get the flash to match :) following you. Stop by my blog sometime? Love xx


    1. aw i know right, tea party pleasee! and awesome about the polaroid, i have one as well but need film :/


thanks for your thoughts, i love hearing from all of you! i honestly get excited to read each and every comment, so really, thank you :)